The best place to start saving money is right inside your home. The Department of Energy estimates the money spent heating and cooling your home to make up 48% of your utility bill. You’ll be happy to hear that saving money on your energy bills doesn’t require a lot of time or money. The first place you’ll want to start on your money-saving journey is by scheduling your routine furnace service. The team at Temp Air System Inc. in La Puente has put together a couple of tips that will help you keep down the cost of heating and cooling your home.
Program Your Programmable Thermostat
Technology is advancing faster than ever and the technology inside your thermostat is no exception. Our iComfort S30 utilizes the GPS from your smartphone and observes when you have left and adjusts itself to not waste energy while you are out which can potentially save money. It can not only detect when you’ve left, it also knows when you will return and learns your routine, and adjusts itself accordingly.
Studies done by the Department of Energy have concluded that having a well programmed, or smart thermostat, can save you on cooling costs. While still maintaining your comfort, set the thermostat as low as you can during the winter months and as high as you can during the summer. It’s not hard for your body to make those adjustments if you change the temperature a degree a day. We offer several different thermostat options, and we can help you pick out the one that will work best with your schedule.
If your schedule changes often, a 7-day model is the best choice. The 7-day model allows you to set different temperature periods on the weekends and keep a regular schedule on weekdays.
Selecting and Maintaining Your System
If you think you may be reaching the point where your system will need to be replaced, look into your options so you’re able to make an educated decision when that day arrives. Some things you’ll want to look into are the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating of air conditioners and the AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) of furnaces. The higher the rating, the greater the chance to save money.
If you’re in the market for a new system or just looking to maximize the efficiency of your existing system, the team at Temp Air System Inc. in La Puente can help you out every step of the way. If you need to schedule service or have any questions give us a call.