The dropping temperatures in La Puente aren’t heading anywhere, and while it’s simple to daydream about the warmer weather, it’s important to remember that you can stay just as comfortable during cooler months. Of course, your air conditioner plays a huge role in this, which is why it’s so important to schedule an annual air conditioner service.

We do have to bring up the fact that few things will provide as much to your comfort this season as a well-tuned air conditioner. That’s why air conditioner service is recommended to be done annually. After all, who wants to spend these colder months not knowing if their air conditioner is going to keep them warm the whole time?

Already done with your annual air conditioner service. Here are a couple of other things you can do to help keep your home comfortable:

  • Energy audit — many energy companies will have an energy audit for your home so you can identify areas that need to be addressed. You may be surprised what areas are permitting hot or cold air to get out.
  • Weatherstripping — regardless of the door, doors offer the opportunity for a lot of warm air to get into your home. However, when your door is shut, you could still have air making its way into your home. Check to see if your weatherstripping is in working order or if it’s worn, torn, or damaged in any other way that could be permitting cold air inside. If you find any concerns, weatherstripping is basic to switch out and may take care of the problem.
  • Recessed lighting — one of the most common culprits for air leaks could be your recessed lighting. Depending on how old your lights are, they may be letting all the hot air in your home sneak out through your ceiling. Fixing this is as simple as sealing it with caulk or aluminum tape.

These three tips are just a place to start but do note that there are other simple fixes you can handle once you’ve had your annual air conditioner service completed. Many of them can be cost-effective and easy projects to accomplish on the weekend. However, if you still need to set up an air conditioner service, give the pros at Temp Air System Inc. a call or schedule an appointment with us online.

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