Winter has arrived and right now you’re relying on your air conditioner more than ever. One of the best ways to keep your air conditioner running effortlessly is to maintain appointments for annual maintenance and tune-ups. There are also some simple things you can check on yourself that could keep you from being left in the cold and in need of an emergency AC repair.

  • Keep Air Vents Open – There’s some misinformation out there about closing off vents in vacant rooms. In theory, it sounds like this would save on energy expenses. However, closing off vents puts an increased strain on your system that can lead to issues in the future. Interior walls are not insulated and the temperature in the room leaks to other rooms in your house, leaving an imbalance and causing your system to operate less efficiently.
  • Check Your Thermostat – Sometimes when your air conditioner is running as it should be the problem is very simple – depleted batteries in your thermostat. Normally, your thermostat will give a warning around a month before the battery doesn’t work, but if you missed it, that could be the cause of your heating troubles.
    Are your vents blowing cool air instead of heated? There may be a simple explanation for it. Check and ensure your thermostat is set to “heat” instead of “cool”. You never know who has been messing around with the thermostat.

Your thermostat has a fan setting. If you notice that your system is constantly blowing air, you might have your fan set to “on” rather than “auto”. The “on” switch always keeps your fan blowing, regardless of if your Air Conditioner is currently heating. The “auto” switch only keeps the blower running when the air conditioner is heating your home. Keep in mind, that if you keep your switch set to “on” you’ll have to exchange your filters more often. This then leads to…

  • Change Your Air Filter – A gross filter is the most common reason a heating system quits running. Dirt and debris keep air from passing around your system and that can cause your air conditioner to overheat. Changing your air conditioner filter is the easiest way to help possibly extend the lifespan of your heating system and avoid AC repair.

Along with these simple tips, the best advice is to keep up with annual, scheduled air conditioner maintenance. If you haven’t arranged your annual air conditioner service yet, you can easily schedule an appointment by giving us a call.

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