You’ve probably heard the saying, “it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity”, well during the winter months it’s not the heat, it’s your home’s absence of humidity. Humidity is regularly to blame for our discomfort during the summer, but a lack of humidity during the colder months in La Puente will not only make you uncomfortable it can also negatively affect your indoor air quality. The cold weather means you’ll be spending more time indoors, a whole-home humidifier could be the answer you’ve been looking for to improve both your comfort and your health.
Keeping Healthy
By maintaining the proper humidity levels within your home, you can also stop the spread of infection. Without any moisture in the air, the mucous membranes inside your sinuses will dry out and will have trouble filtering out bacteria. Bacteria and viruses that cause the cold and flu have an easier time traveling through dry air, which is why they are so rampant during the winter months. By maintaining the humidity levels in your home at optimal levels you can expect to feel a lot better throughout the winter.
Combating Static Electricity
If your touches have been zapping your friends and family, you have humidity troubles on your hands. One thing water does is conducts electricity, having moisture in the air gives static charges a path to leave an object. If there’s no moisture in the air, that charge will have no way to escape except out your fingertips onto the next thing you touch.
More Comfort
A whole-home humidifier can make your La Puente home feel warmer and more enjoyable this season. Humidity during the winter has the same effect it does during the summer; it makes you feel warmer than it is. Additional moisture in the house will mean that you won’t have to set the thermostat so high to stay comfortable, which could save you money.
There are just a few of the benefits of having an appropriately humidified home. Both your comfort and your indoor air quality can be improved with the installation of one of our whole-home humidity products. If you have any questions about your home’s indoor air quality, humidity, or any other home comfort question, give the team at Temp Air System Inc. in La Puente a call.